
200 Day Publishing Package

$497.00 per 200 days

200 Day Publishing Package

Join the Publishing Revolution 100 Days At A Time.  Get the 200 Day Publishing Coombo and get started today!

The New and Improved 100 Days To A Book Course!

100 Days To A Book is a highly practical goal oriented program designed to guide experts, entrepreneurs, business professionals and especially doctorate professionals to produce a book manuscript in such a way that generates leads and becomes a 24/7 sales magnet.

100 Days To A Book

You Can Now See Your Name In Print

You can now see your name in print. Or even own your own independent publishing company. If you have a great idea and a burning desire to self publish your book, there is no better time than NOW. And there is no better guide to publishing than 12 book author & indie publisher, Earma Brown, Creator of, 100 Days To A Book, Write to Win Institute & iWIN Founder.

No more excuses — you don’t have to take this journey alone. If you are an aspiring book author ready to see your name in print, or just eager to learn more about the profitable world of publishing possibilities, she has prepared a brand new eCourse, Self-Publishing Your Words Your Way with you in mind. Ready to start? Click the button at the right side of this page ‘Take This Course’ to get started today.

Self Publish Your Way

SUBSCRIPTION FOR 6 months, 2 weeks


200 Day Publishing Package

Join the Publishing Revolution 100 Days At A Time.  Sign up for Self Publish Your Way and receive 100 Days To A Book FREE for a limited time. Get the 200 Day Publishing Combo and get started today!

Dear Aspiring Indie Authors, Self Publishers, Independent Publishers:

Do you dream of seeing your book in print? Yet you get confused when you try to think of how to self publish. Stop killing your book dream with discouraging thoughts. Keep reading and discover how to self publish your book-in less time, less effort and even less money than ever!

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’ve been speaking. Now every time you speak, either in person or on a teleclass, you get lots of people asking if you have a book. You know you’re leaving hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the table because you don’t have your core message in book form.
  • You’ve worked your business to a certain level but it needs a shot in the arm. You need a boost to up level your fees. As much as you love working with your clients, you’re exhausted. You’d love to make money “while you’re sleeping” – not just for more free time but so you won’t be terribly affected by the feast and famine cycle of hourly client work. (Wouldn’t it be great to have passive and residual income streaming into your accounts month after month and day after day, that aren’t stringed to how many hours you’re putting in?)
  • You’re sick and tired of people telling you should have a book in place working for you. The last time some one said it, you secretly laughed because you know a book should be in your future. You’ve been thinking about it for the longest. Now you’re tired of hearing about how it will be like a big business card. Worse, you’re STILL no closer to getting it done or pulling it all together.
  •  You’re frustrated that you haven’t made the BIG splash in the world with your experience and expertise (like you know you should) because, even though you’re doing all you know to do, people still don’t recognize your name yet because you’ve been “thinking too small.” You’ve heard when you’re ready to learn, the teacher shows up. You’ve been asking, what does one need to do to get started playing BIG like you know you’re destined to play?
  • Everyone says “the money is in your list”…but they leave out HOW to finally connect the dots to your book and list not to mention how to create and grow your list! Even after you figured it out, you’ve been stuck at under 1000 (or even 100) people on your list for YEARS and you can’t figure out how to break the glass ceiling and grow your list FAST.
  • You’re ready to get clarity and distill your information into a core concept or message. Better yet, you have clarity and your core concept. But you can’t figure out how to pull it all together and bring it to market, not to mention make money with it. You’re ready to experience the big payday everyone always talks about? (You’ve barely seen anyone selling books. You aren’t “making money in your sleep”), so how are other people doing it?
(c) 2024 Book Success Academy